Monday, July 2, 2018

Monday - Psalm 130 - If God Kept Score

NLY those who are NOT redeemed by the blood of the Lamb will stand before God with their own scorecard. And believe me, you do NOT want to be judged based upon a comparison of your good deeds to your bad deeds, our your actions beside the law’s demands.  We can't work our way to heaven (Titus 3:5, Romans 9:32 & Galatians 2:16).

Our inability to measure up to God's standard of perfection stands in our way.  We are naturally unholy, bent toward infractions.  Even if God were to decide to take just the best humans to heaven; the ones who are relatively moral and comparatively altruistic, He would have no place to begin His counting, because, from His perspective, He wouldn't be able to find any goodness in any man (Psalm 53:2-3 and Isaiah 53:6 & 64:6).  Besides that, one of God's objectives in designing redemption as He did is that we would have nothing to boast about before Him (Ephesians 2:8-9 & I Corinthians 1:28-29).

So, there is nobody who is intrinsically worthy of entering into God's presence and there is nothing that we can do to earn that right (Psalm 130:3-4).  Our ticket must be granted to us from above.  If God were to keep strict records and bill us monthly for our impiety, we would all be hopelessly in debt before we were even old enough to realize the situation.  If God were to write our “score” in the palms of our hands (the good deeds in our right palm and the bad ones in the left), we would all keep our hands in our pockets or wear gloves year around.  

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