Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Tuesday - Song of Solomon 6 - Absence... & a Desire to Be Together

N Revelation 22:17 & 20, we find that in concluding the Holy Scriptures, God let us peek momentarily into the heart of His Son, and therefore into His heart as well.  The invitation for men to come to God (found in verse 17) is a reflection of the promise from Jesus in verse 20 that He will come to us.  Yet, while there is a bit of a distinction between the "come" of regeneration and the "come" of the two Advent of Christ, the point is in one way the very same: that we might be together.  That is, God wants to bring us to Himself (Hebrews 2:10).  He wants us to come willingly to Him.  And, certainly, He will someday come willingly to us.  As His elect children, we discover to our pleasant surprise that our desire for Him is actually a reflection of His desire for us. 

In this chapter, we find that Solomon and his beloved wife were not together for a season... but they were thinking about each other.  They both made demonstrative statements that indicated that they were not happy about being apart.  They were in love.  They wanted to be together.  He wanted to rush back to her with all possible speed.  And, if you consider the words of those who were looking on at this situation, they recognized that the only good situation for these two was for them to be together. 

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