Friday, October 19, 2018

Friday - Isaiah 5 - Peach Trees Producing Pine Cones

NE doesn't have to be a farmer to know that if a field doesn't produce the produce for which it was cultivated and sown, something is bad wrong... and a change is therefore necessary.  God used Isaiah to give this illustration to His people.  Of course, His point was hardly agrarian.  Isaiah 5:7 makes it plain that the topic at hand was the grim pointlessness, not just of tending a field that doesn't bring forth what was intended, but the pointlessness of continually pouring time, energy and effort into people who not only never respond well, they always rebel.

When God feels exasperated with us (5:4), we are in for it for sure.  So, God's judgment against His own people was promised with vehemence and with bitter clarity (5:14).  The absolute obliteration of Jerusalem was inevitable.  Why?  Because the people had pursued evil vehemently (5:11, 13 & 18).  God had worked in every feasible way to set a stage for obedience.  Yet, when His people ran out of room "in their hands" to carry their violations, they made provisions for increasing their capacity in order to do more of the same.  They changed the labels on their sins; declaring their own infractions to be "contributions" (5:20).  This manner of thinking angered God deeply (5:25).  They ignored the wishes of the very God who had made them (5:12).  But, although there are many things which we men can do to thwart God's will in our lives, there is nothing that we can do to thwart His overall aims (5:16).  He will be glorified... either by us & through us, or upon us.

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