Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Tuesday - Song of Solomon 1 - Intimate Words

E may imagine that romantic music is a modern phenomenon.  But we would be wrong.  Solomon of old was a prolific writer of music, and the best song he ever wrote was not just romantic, it was intensely intimate and even descriptively sexual.  The very presence of this book in the Holy canon of Scripture is a reminder that sex was God's idea for us; not the devil's creation, nor man's perversion.  Admittedly, Lucifer has done much to use, abuse and distort this rightfully pure expression love, but that doesn't (or shouldn't) detract from the wonder of God's original intent.  Don't forget that God commanded, demanded and blessed procreation by coitus in Genesis 1:27-28 – prior to the fall of the human race.  Holy and shameless physical intimacy was conceptualized in the mind of God and is still acceptable and pleasing in His sight, when it exists within the bond of monogamous heterosexual matrimony.

The kissing and wooing; the confidence and pursuing; the euphoria and joy of Solomon and his Shulamite lover (Song of Solomon 6:13) are spectacularly set forth as an example to those who today are connected in holy wedlock.  Solomon was expert in complementing his bride (either his first or his favorite wife, since his eventual polygamous exploits are infamous).  And, that seems to be because his relationship with her was a genuine soul connection (not just physical attraction).  Not that this couple lacked in physical affection: Solomon was passionately attracted to her beauty.  

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