Monday, October 29, 2018

Monday - Isaiah 12 - A Psalm of Thanksgiving in the Book of Isaiah

BOVE all of these things, I am thankful for the spiritual blessings which I have received from the gracious hand of God (Ephesians 1:3-12).  Once upon a time, God was angry with me.  But, thanks be to God, His anger has been turned away (Isaiah 12:1 & 1st John 4:10).  I am forgiven.  He has saved me; rescued me from the plight of destruction which I was on.  He has comforted me with incomparable joy.  What a deed He has done!  I praise Him!  I thank Him!  I love Him!  I desire to exalt His name to whatever degree I can.

As Isaiah exhorted Israel to do in the day of their salvation, I should sing, shout and declare with much gusto that my God is great!  I should tell everyone around me about His goodness.  And, I should tell Him as well (Isaiah 12:4).  The Almighty dwells with us, so indeed, if we had nothing else to be thankful for, this one thing would be more than enough (or, shall I say, should be more than enough) to keep us smiling in sincere appreciation (Hebrews 13:5).

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