Thursday, August 9, 2018

Thursday - Proverbs 7 - A Race to Destruction

 enjoy competition.  But what if the prize for striving hard was not winning; what if it was death?  If I were running a race to see who could run off the edge of a cliff first, I dare say that I would move rather slowly, not at all or even turn and go against the flow of traffic.  Yet here in Proverbs 7, we read about a young man who had the pedal to the metal, racing down a highway that leads to hell... which is obviously not a bright choice.

In Proverbs 5, we talked a bit about the dangerous ways of seductive women.  This chapter covers the same ground, but with a slightly different emphasis and with some extra details.  Notice some of the distinguishing characteristics of a wild woman as presented by Solomon.  She flatters (Proverbs 7:5 & 15), she does her deeds under the cover of darkness (Proverbs 7:9), she wears clothes that betray her loose behavior (Proverbs 7:10), she is loud, stubborn and never at home (Proverbs 7:11-12), she is aggressive and rude (Proverbs 7:13), she is vain and hypocritical (Proverbs 7:16 & 14), she can speak with appealing seductiveness and make destructive behavior look attractive (Proverbs 7:18), she takes advantage of people who should be able to trust her, she has dark secrets (Proverbs 7:19), and she leaves a trail of destruction behind her (Proverbs 7:26-27).  Frankly she uses her beauty as a weapon against a multitude of men instead of using it as a gift to one man.  The only way to stay safe from her wiles is to avoid her altogether. 

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