Saturday, August 11, 2018

Saturday - Proverbs 9 - Quite a Contrast

roverbs 9:1-12 contain the words of the brilliant "woman" Solomon has introduced to us by the name of Wisdom.  Proverbs 9:13-18 remind us that Wisdom is not the only woman vying for our loyalty. There is a woman named Foolishness who sings a different song and calls for our attention.  Not that there is a particular masculine or feminine quality to either wisdom or foolishness!  Unfortunately, all of the human race is prone to follow after foolishness.  Men and women alike tend to have to be disciplined and even driven toward wisdom.  Solomon was writing to "my son" - hence the choice of genders for these 2 options on the shelf.

The reward for marrying oneself to Wisdom is obviously significant.  She has much to offer.  The consequences of marrying oneself to Foolishness is grave in every sense.  If you are interested, you can find in this chapter a couple of labels for the individuals who chose to follow one way or the other respectively.  Those who pursue Wisdom will find themselves to be Wise.  Those who pursue foolishness will surely be known as Wicked and Scorner. And by the way, the litmus test is none other than simple rebuke.  Do you want to discover if someone is foolish or wise?  Rebuke them.  I'm afraid a fellow's true colors will fly all too soon if you start in to rebuking him soundly.  If he listens and does not retaliate, then he must either be a wise man, or a coward. If he is wise, then he will do more than just listen... he will act on the rebuke and will appreciate the input. In fact, a truly wise sees rebuke as rebuke as correction, adjustment, advice.

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