Saturday, November 24, 2018

Saturday - Isaiah 31 - End the Revolt

E may not typically think of the word "revolt" as a spiritual word, but it is.  Here in Isaiah 31, God calls on His people to end their revolt against Him. He called them to repentance (Isaiah 31:6).  In what way had they revolted?  Well, a revolt is a resistance against authority. What resistance has been more intense, more enduring or more prominent than the rebellion of humanity against the greatest authority of all, the Almighty?  In the case of Israel, they forsook the invisible God for a variety other options. They looked to Egypt and then to Assyria for help. They relied on horses, chariots and horsemen. They chose iniquity over holiness. They preferred to follow men rather than God. They trusted flesh instead of spirit.  They deserted sure victory in favor sure defeat (though they didn't see it that way).  They picked idols over the I Am.  This was the way of their revolt. They felt no obligation to remain loyal to the One who made them.

Because of the revolting hearts of God's people, they found themselves on the receiving end of His displeasure. "Woe to them," He said. He reminded them that He was both wise enough and strong enough to bring failure upon both the Jews and the Gentiles who had colluded against Him. A turning of their hearts was desperately needed.

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