Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Tuesday - Isaiah 43 - God with Us

OD'S promises to His people, the Jews, are a great comfort to me. And, it's not just because Galatians 3:7-9 declares that we (who are actually heathen) have (by faith in Christ) gained access to the key promise that God made to Abraham. One of the most awesome promises that God ever made to His people was that they would endure forever (Genesis 12:2-3, 13:15-16 & Romans 11:1-5). Why does this matter so much? Well, first off, I can see the fulfillment of this promise. This nation of Jews has endured for millennia while other ethnic groups, nations and empires have been absorbed, obliterated and irrevocably scattered. Yet, Israel stands as a nation and a people today (testifying to the certainty of God's promises).

Now, since Israelites have such a long track record of failures, and even rebellion (Isaiah 43:22, 24 & 27), I can relate to their character flaws. I too have a checkered record. Israel produced men like Moses, Daniel and David. But there is a long list of names of men of Jewish ancestry of whom a good and godly Jew would certainly not be proud. Jesus and Stephen both pointed out that, historically, Israel routinely rejected every mouthpiece Jehovah sent to them (Acts 7:52 & Luke 11:47-51). God created this nation for His own glory and pleasure; to be a vehicle through which He could reveal himself to the rest of the world (Isaiah 43:7, 10 & 21), yet they have resisted, hindered and halted God's design time after time. Still, His promises stand. Isaiah 43:1-20 reveal to us the God of Jacob; One who is infinitely able and shockingly willing to forgive even the worst vices of this evil nation (Isaiah 43:25-26), and to come to them and to us (Isaiah 43:2 & 5). He is Immanuel!

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