Thursday, December 20, 2018

Thursday - Isaiah 49 - Isaiah, Israel, Immanuel and I

N Isaiah 49 God reveals to us His program of redemption through the nation of Israel; most precisely, salvation through the greatest son of Jacob: Jesus Christ. It is true that God chose Jacob from the womb (Isaiah 49:1 & Romans 9:10-13). Yet there is another of whom it can be said (even more thoroughly) that He was called "from the womb" of His mother. Jesus was set for the falling and the resurrection of many of Jacob's other descendants (Luke 2:34). Jacob truly had power with God and men (Genesis 32:28). But, so did Jesus. Much more so, of course (Luke 2:52). Whether Isaiah realized that he was speaking of more than of Israel or not, I can't say, but we can surely see now that he was indeed.

Jesus spoke as no man before Him had ever spoken. He was closer to the Father than any man had ever been. He was more perfectly used by God than any other man could possibly be used (Isaiah 49:2). He was a willing servant (Isaiah 49:3). He was the Savior of Israel, and of the world too (Isaiah 49:6 & Luke 2:32). He was destined to be the ruler of the world that hated Him (Isaiah 49:7).  He would be pleased to restore His own people to a place of fellowship with the Father. He would make sure that they would never be forgotten (Isaiah 49:15). And indeed, every time the Son of God looks at His own hands, He is reminded that He purchased His brethren with His own blood (Isaiah 49:16). Not only is the salvation of their souls His business, so too is the return and reformation of their nation (Isaiah 49:22-23 & 26).

I'm so thankful that I have obtained access to the great salvation provided for by the blood that flowed from Immanuel's veins. If the sinfulness of the Jews has opened the door just a crack, allowing us access, imagine what the ambiance in heaven will be like when all of Israel is saved (Romans 11:15 & 26). Someday, you who are saints will be together with Israel (and with me too), and we will all have one glorious thing in common. We will all owe our eternal blessedness to the Son of God; the Servant of Jehovah who is the Savior of the world. 

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