Thursday, June 14, 2018

Wednesday - Psalm 121 - Never Sleepy

ave you ever had work to do, but you were so tired you couldn't do it right?  I remember once that I had to drive from Hartselle, AL to Winter Garden, FL (600 Miles in 11 hours) by myself.  That wouldn't have been a hard thing at all, except that I played basketball until 9:00 p.m., then showered before hitting the road immediately. The sun had risen on Christmas Eve before I made it to my destination.  I was so tired that I drove through the rain that night with my windows down and the radio blaring at maximum decibels while scanning the AM band continually... and I still dozed off several times.  It was not good. It was not smart.  It was not safe.

We are human. We wear out.  We get tired.  It's life. Some of us would like to imagine that we have unending energy, but we don't.  We are limited... exhaustible... expendable.  God, on the other hand, never tires.  He never slumbers or sleeps (Psalm 121:3 & 4).  The God who made heaven and earth never checks out.  He never needs a break.  Whether the sun is shining, or the moon is glowing, God is awake and ready to preserve us and to keep us from evil.  He is the preserver of our soul (Psalm 121:7).  He preserves us forever (Psalm 121:8).  This is why we are eternally secure, because our salvation's duration is in the hands of our ever-aware God.  He stands guard over our soul.  He never drifts off.  He never gets distracted.  He never gets groggy.  He never loses focus.  He never gets sleepy.  His attention in every circumstance is perfect and thorough.  We can trust Him.

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