Thursday, June 7, 2018

Thursday - Psalm 117 - Truth Endures

hat is the opposite of truth?  What do we have when we have an absence of truth?  What contradicts truth?  Who is the primary opponent of truth?  Who is the source of all truth?  Who claimed to be the personification of truth?  What is the prognosis for the future of those from whom the truth (of the gospel specifically) has been hidden?  These are earthshaking interrogatives.  But, there are only two primary issues introduced to us in Psalm 117:2b... (1) the source of truth, and (2) the longevity of it.  Errors arise everywhere, are diverse & fluctuant, but truth abides.

In truth, all truth is God's truth.  Things are true because of God's sovereign oversight in creation.  He has laid down certain immovable principles, rules, standards, governing forces and boundaries that define and qualify observable things as truth or error.  Theological truth is the most valuable of all truths though.  For example, according to the third law of motion postulated by Sir Isaac Newton, it is true that for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction.  However, the consequences of that truth are not as significant as the truth that God hates sin or that He has decreed that the wages of sin is death.  The truths about God's character are the staunchest and most relevant of all facts.

Still, even that doesn't seem to be the first and foremost trait of truth at hand in the psalmist's mind here.  Instead, he emphasizes the longevity of truth:  It endures forever.  Lies are not naturally enduring.  They are chameleon-like and adjust to the demands of the circumstances.  They fall flat through the inadequacy of corroboration. They die a young death because they are monsters and are therefore shot down quickly by the simple wisdom of common sense.  They fade away like ghosts due to the difficulty of remembering the details of a fabricated reality.  But, truth remains.

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