Thursday, June 28, 2018

Thursday - Psalm 127 - God in the Home

ABYLON’S king Nebuchadnezzar thought that he was a self-made man.  But, when he was finally supersaturated with pride, God cut him down to the ground and put him in a position where he was just about as low as he could go (Daniel 4:30-32).  Whatever Nebuchadnezzar was and whatever success he had, it was due to God's sovereign hand of goodness upon him, not due to his own fine qualities or gumption (Psalm 75:6-7).  In this psalm, we read that we are all dependent upon God for the success of our house... whether that house be a company, a church, a family, a governable sovereign state or a municipality.

Having 4 children, my wife and I recognize that we are so utterly at God's mercy concerning the future of our children.  If He is not with us, guiding and protecting us, all of our efforts will be wasted.  We could get up early, stay up late, work our fingers to the bone and worry ourselves into the funny farm, but without God's grace and presence, all would be useless. We must rest in Him (Psalm 127:2). After all, our children really belong to God anyway.  He has loaned them to us, that's all.  We have the privilege of loving them, enjoying them and training them... but truly they are not ours (Psalm 127:3).  Their potential is grand… and, the more the merrier.  But above all else, we need God in our home in order to point our children in the right direction and to spur them forward IN that direction.

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