Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Tuesday - Psalm 126 - Living in a Dream

HE Jewish exile from Jerusalem lasted for 70 years (if you count from the destruction of Solomon's temple by Nebuchadnezzar to the completion of the second temple during Ezra's days).  This psalm fits best with the context of the Jewish remnant returning to Jerusalem after 7 decades in Babylon.  They had been gone so long that in some ways they had lost hope.  So much so was this the case that when God did deliver them, they felt like they were dreaming.  It was a "pinch me" experience for them.  They laughed and sang.  They rejoiced to hear the Gentiles around them remark in marveling amazement at the fact that God was giving their capital back to them.  They remembered the many tears which they had shed while exiled. They recalled the many prayers they had prayed for deliverance.  They realized that they were finally harvesting the fruit of their labors.  It didn't seem real.  It was too good to be true.  Surely, they were in a dream!  But no, it was reality.  God was doing great things for His people.

Has God ever done anything for you that was so wonderful that it felt like a dream?  He has a way of turning life's nightmares into dreams for us, if we are willing to live humbly before Him.

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