Saturday, June 16, 2018

Saturday - Psalm 124 - If it Wasn't for God

hat if?  Don't you just hate that question?  My children are always asking me "what if' questions... worrying about the hypothetical things that they imagine.  I usually answer their questions with a question. I usually reply, "What if elephants could fly?"  They hate that.

But here is a worthwhile "what if" scenario.  What if God was not on our side?  What if there was no tree of life?  What if there was no second chance?  What if God had never given us a Bible?  What if there had never been a prophet?  What if we didn't have the Spirit?  What if the Son of God had never descended to become a man?  What if Jesus hadn't died for you and me?  What if we were all still God's enemies?  It's not a pretty picture is it?

The psalmist states pointedly that if it weren't for God being "on our side," then even the physical opposition of other humans would be more than we could handle. If God wasn't "for us" then we simply wouldn't survive.  We would drown in perdition (I Timothy 6:9).  We would be hopelessly and utterly lost.

But, praise God, He is on our side(Psalm 124:8).  We are not out here on our own.  He is our Savior, our Friend, our Mediator and Protector.  He is our Comforter and Guide.  He understands us.  He cares about our plight and about our feelings concerning our plight.  He watches over us.  He is our Defender and help in time of need (Psalm 46:1).

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