Saturday, April 6, 2019

Saturday - Jeremiah 50 - Feeble Babylon

ABYLON is an important city in the story of human history.  When the prophet Daniel lived there, it was, as the seat of Nebuchadnezzar's government, literally the capital of the world. In God's revelations to Nebuchadnezzar, Babylon was the place where that head of gold sat, the head of the image that represented all of the kingdoms of this world (Daniel 2 & Revelation 11:15). But Babylon has historically stood against God and against His people. Even in the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, where Babylon seems to be a title representing a broadly international philosophical, economic, political and religious system, the towering edifice stands as the nemesis of the city of God; the new Jerusalem. Only with the final and fitting fall of Babylon will we realize the perfect unity that God intends.

Now, the construction of Babel had halted during the days of Nimrod due to God's intervention, but the dream lived on. The dream (of men coming together to build a name for ourselves without including our Creator) has only become more precisely defined and more sharply delineated as the centuries and millennia have passed. This chapter speaks at length about the fall of Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon into the hands of the Medes and the Persians (Daniel 5:28). Yet, the great and final fall of Babylon is still ahead of us.

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