Monday, March 25, 2019

Monday - Jeremiah 41 - Anarchy & Chaos Ensued

S bad as the last few kings of Judah had been... and, as bad as the Babylonians were... neither were as bad as what came after them. Judah became a bastion of chaos and lawlessness. As we read in the last chapter, Gedaliah was given gubernatorial authority in the region. But, the absence of a sufficiently strong Chaldean force (to enforce his will) made him useless, and in short, also dead. A man named Ishmael lead a revolt which commenced with the murder of Gedaliah and continued with the senseless slaying of others. It wasn't until a man named Johanan took in hand to stop Ishmael that things began to calm down (for the time being) in the land of Judah. But the momentary peace was just that, momentary. Due to the fear that was mounting in the hearts of the survivors, a plan was afoot to move to Egypt. We should all know enough of our biblical history to recognize that God was not going to bless such an endeavor. Things were going from bad to worse, and on to worst.

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