Friday, February 15, 2019

Friday - Jeremiah 14 - Chapped Ground

drought of water is certainly not a blessing. But, what about a spiritual drought? In Proverbs 29:18 we find this maxim, "Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keeps the law, happy is he." The word “vision” is what we would commonly call revelation. If God isn't speaking (revealing Himself & His wishes), then conditions are the absolute opposite of a revival. It is a spiritual drought, which will bring spiritual famine and death. Of course, if He is revealing Himself, then can spiritual life spring forth (Hosea 6:3).

Judah was under the judgment of God. There was a dearth in the land. There was evidently an actual drought, due to a lack of rain. The ground was chapped (Jeremiah 14:4). Agriculture was failing. Botanical and zoological life was failing. The hearts of men were failing. And, why? Jeremiah 14:7 indicates that the lack of actual rain was a result of the sins of the people. God had promised seasonal rains, if the people would be obedient and faithful to Him (Leviticus 26:3-4, Deuteronomy 11:13-15, Jeremiah 5:24 & Joel 2:23). Just as He had stopped the rain in the days of Elijah, the rains were stopped by Him in the days of Jeremiah as well. And, they had no choice but to wait for God to mercifully acquiesce. He is in charge of the rain (Jeremiah 14:22). The nation was certainly guilty of enough sin to hold the rains back for a very long time, but God is so generous. Looking to Him was the thing to do (Jeremiah 14:8). If the people would be willing to prepare the chapped ground of their hearts for the delivery of God's words, then the less important physical ground was sure to get some relief as well.

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