Thursday, January 24, 2019

Thursday - Isaiah 64 - When God Rips the Sky Open

S Isaiah (Isaiah 64:1), I feel the need to be with God. I mean, above everything else, I feel a deep desire to be in His presence; to see, hear and know Him (Acts 17:24-28). I'm looking for His return and I'm looking forward to His return. And, I'm not alone. The Spirit of God in us draws our hearts heavenward. All of us who are His children long to be heavenly, and to be with our heavenly Father (2nd Cor. 5:2).  Additionally, the Spirit in us pushes for the expansion of the knowledge of God in this world; for the persuasion of sinners to the truth (Isaiah 64:2). Admittedly, I don't know what it's going to be like to meet God, even though He has told us much about it in His written revelations (Isaiah 64:4 & 1st Cor. 2:9-10). But it is sure to better than this life.

Now, our sins are perpetual, and His salvation is perpetual (Isaiah 64:5). Something therefore has to give. Sin is universal. It is older than clothes. It is natural. It is pleasurable. It is in us, and all around us. It has pervaded in every generation, among the civilized and the uncivilized. It is found in the households and hearts of atheists and preachers. It is present in nurseries and in nursing homes. The human race is decadent and becoming more so as the years go by (Isaiah 64:6). Yet, what glory, as we look in horror at the soiled rags that comprise our natural spirit, it is announced to us that God is our Father! We belong to Him! Prodigals every one – we deserve the worst, yet He offers to us the best. When God does rip the sky apart to invade this earth & to welcome us into His presence, all of the frustrations of this short journey will be eclipsed and forgotten.

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