Thursday, August 27, 2020

Thursday - Ephesians 4 - One



 dozen times in this chapter Paul uses the word "one" as he attempts to encourage his believing readers to pursue unity within the faith. We know that many evils have been peddled in the name of unity. However, this unfortunate reality does not negate the objective which was originally set forth by God Himself. Here, Paul reminds us that God desires unity among His children. Recall in the prayer of Christ in John 17 that He prayed repeatedly for oneness in the church (John 17:11 & 21-23).


In verse 1, Paul reminds us to follow our calling. As individual members of the body of Christ, we should assume that if we all fulfill our exact calling according to the perfect leadership of the Holy Spirit, then a resulting unity will be inevitable. This is where oneness among us starts. Being “at one” with God is fundamental.


Paul’s next statement follows logically. As we listen to the Spirit, we will find that He is leading us to be humble & patient with each other. Oneness in the church requires happy submission in our interpersonal relationships. How can we achieve oneness in doctrine & purpose if we can't even achieve it in spirit? Not that kindness should eclipse truth. But a kind attitude is a strong buttress to it. Unity can’t be attained if we won’t strive for it (vs. 3).

As Christians, we naturally have strong substantive bonds (vs. 4-6). We are all part of the same body – the body of Christ. We all share the same Spirit. We await the same destiny. We serve the same Lord. We express the same faith. We do indeed have a common experience. We are all members of the one and only true and acceptable religion. Our doctrine binds us to one another. 

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