Friday, May 3, 2019

Friday - Ezekiel 13 - Very Bad Preachers

HAT is the assignment of a prophet (or of a preacher)?  His job is to tell the truth; to proclaim God's truth. In Ezekiel 13, it is recorded that God assigned Ezekiel the task of preaching to wayward preachers: a grim chore indeed.

As you must surely already know, Ezekiel had a ministry that included many warnings concerning the impending judgment that Jerusalem was destined to face. But he had some competition. There was a school of liberal prophets who had their own ideas about what the future of Jerusalem might look like. So, along with Ezekiel's other assignments, he was also given the responsibility of rebuking his detractors and distracters. The original and most paramount problem with these prophets was that God had not called them to their mission. As such, they were out there on their own, imagining beautiful scenes that were nothing more than fiction and fantasy. This nonsense might seem like little more than an annoyance, but these prophets were convincing, and they were making God angry. So, their days were numbered.

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