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OD has worked in various ways at different times in human history. Certainly, the Tribulation will be yet another unique dispensation. The paradigm of the church will have passed, but there will be one thing that will still be the same. Salvation will still be available to those who (with repentance & faith) are willing to call upon the name of the Lord. God's mercy & grace will indeed be extended into the day of God's wrath (Habakkuk 3:2). Revelation 7 makes this grand realization abundantly clear. There is a cutoff point, but God will push it to the end.
While we know that the antichrist will have his own ominous mark (666) that he will put in the foreheads & right hands of his unregenerate followers), God will also be marking some foreheads. John saw four angels who will be – in a way – holding back the complete destruction of the earth. Then he saw a fifth angel who was sent to seal 144,000 Jews for the purpose of the preaching of the. There will be 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel (note: Dan & Ephraim are not mentioned by name here).
These details are not the center of our attention today though; the thing that stands out wondrously is the fact that these many are recipients of God's grace during the Tribulation. And these are not all. John also saw a grand mob of white robed saints standing before the throne of God (Revelation 7:9 & 13) who will be saved by God's grace during that time (Revelation 14-17).
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