Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Tuesday - Revelation 2 - Each Church is Different (Part 1)



 have certainly bought into a dispensational interpretation of Revelation 2 & 3. Such an interpretation arises right out of the text. However, that is only one of four true perspectives to consider as we read these two unique chapters. These are the "things that are" (Revelation 1:19). In other words, these chapters are about the present. When John wrote this book, he was living in the church age as we are. So, it's no surprise that the "things which are" are presented in a perfect list of 7 specific, literal churches (Revelation 1:11). These were actual congregations of actual saints living in actual places during the days of John. From a dispensational perspective, these seven churches surely represent periods of time in the church age. But there are local churches today (as well as individuals within single churches) that fit respectively with each and every type of church that Jesus described for John. Focus on the challenges that Jesus issued here to all of His children, including you and me.


Four types of believers are addressed in Revelation 2, and the remaining three in chapter 3. We will call the first four kinds Ephesian, Smyrnian, Pergamian and Thyatirian believers. We should look for traits within ourselves that match with these descriptions. Then, we must take to heart what Jesus had to say in response to these traits.

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