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EVELATION 14 is a stage-setting chapter. In fact, the next 5 chapters are simply more detailed accounts of what is introduced here. It is apparent that the 144,000 witnesses are no longer preaching on earth at his point (vs 1). We may even be down to the last few days or hours of the Tribulation Period. In heaven there will be a mighty song that will be sung by the 144,000 virgins (while God's Son prepares to conquer the earth). It will be a song uniquely fitted for them.
Verses 6-12 reveal that there will be 3 great announcements connected with the end of the end of the time of the kingdoms of the earth. 1. The gospel, 2. the verdict against Babylon (the worldly kingdoms of the devil), & 3. condemnation against Satan's deluded followers. These messages will be the only relevant messages from God in that day. As for any surviving saints at that point, it will be best for them if they are martyred for their faith sooner rather than later (vs. 13). Things have been bad, but they're about to get much worse.
The very end of the Tribulation (with the 7 angels pouring out seven vials & the commencement of Armageddon) will be a more explosive situation than this world has ever seen before. These moments are represented in this chapter by sharp sickles in the hands of two mighty heavenly characters (vs. 14-17). The summary is shocking. The earth's population (represented by clusters of grapes) is stomped until every drop of juice has been pressed out of them (vs. 18-20). It will be the time when God's full wrath is unleashed against Satan & on the unrepentant sinners of earth.
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