Monday, September 10, 2018

Monday - Proverbs 30 - What is His Son's Name?

ONSIDERING that Agur allegedly didn't know too much (vs. 2 & 3), he sure hit a few proverbial nail on the head with notable power and accuracy.  Even prior to his astute observations in verses 10 - 33, this son of Jakeh lay out a few cardinal truths.  The first of which was the value of humility.  Look on though.

Notice Agur's questions in verse 4.  Of course, we can actually answer those questions.  God is the establisher of the ends of the earth.  And indeed, His name is Jehovah and His Son's name is Jesus.  And, He has both descended from and ascended to heaven (see Ephesians 4:7-10).

Now, building on that, we have the always pertinent reminder that God's Words are pure, complete and impossible to be improved upon (Proverbs 30:5-6).

Thirdly, Agur recognized the importance of balance and moderation in this life.  Too much or too little tend to make men evil.  We are best off when God rations to us what we need, not what we want.  Getting other things right in life can be traced back to this point.

Having addressed those paramount issues, Agur then proceeds to many more other astute points.  He hits on theology, philosophy and just plain ol' common sense. 

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