Now, despite God working, we still see a problem with Samson
showing up early in his ministry. He had a weakness for women and wasn't
necessarily very picky about the kind of women that he pursued. Upon the
framework of Samson's wedding we have several significant events. In Judges
14:6 we find that Samson killed a lion with his bare hands. More importantly,
we see how he did it. God's Spirit came upon him. This supernatural baptism of
strength would be repeated many times in his life. Whatever else might be said
of Samson, it is surely remarkable how wonderfully God used him. Sadly, Samson
turned a good experience into a bad one when he later touched the carcass of
the lion to retrieve some honey that bees had stored there. Remember, he was a
Nazarite (Numbers 6:6) and therefore was not permitted to touch dead bodies.
Just like many of us, Samson was evidently compelled to
confess his fault, but he was unwilling to do it openly. So, in the form of a
riddle (and for a gamble of sorts) he shared the story of the lion and the
honey with his 30 groomsmen at his wedding. And, by threatening his wife (or
his heifer if you want to use Samson's terminology) those men found out the
meaning of Samson's riddle. But, in keeping with his purpose and calling,
Samson killed 30 other Philistines and took THEIR valuables to make good on the
gamble which he had made with 30 Philistine groomsmen. And, because his girl
had betrayed him, he skipped out on the wedding and went home. So, his fiancé
was given to his best man to be his wife instead of Samson's. That move would
prove to give Samson another excuse to kill even more Philistines in agreement
with the will of God. What a soap opera, eh?
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