Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Tuesday - Joshua 23 - Exhortations from the Edge

Joshua was on the edge. Based upon the fact that Phinehas was the leader that dealt with the altar named Ed, I think we can safely conclude that Joshua was almost ready to climb into his deathbed. Not so weak that he couldn't speak up and speak out, but certainly waning. But, let's not focus upon his weakness; let's look instead at the power of his resolve all the way to the end. Some of the words in this chapter are as pure and powerful as can be found anywhere. In this case, there is nothing deep, complex or confusing going on at all. It's as straightforward as a yes and a no? Joshua simply reminded the people of how much God had blessed them during the conquest and warned them of how bad things would get if they abandoned Him.

God is indeed faithful in all things. He is faithful both in blessing obedience... and in punishing disobedience (Deuteronomy 7:9-10). Hosea 9:1 speaks of a people who loved God's blessings, but hated God Himself. Joshua was cautioning against spiritual opportunism. We would all do well to remember the admonition of Galatians 6:7, "God is not mocked: whatever a man sows, he will also reap." Maybe you are so noble that such words only make you smile in eager anticipation, but those words frighten me. Joshua wasn't JUST warning them.  He was really prophesying about them. It was the direction of the nation.  The book of Judges will prove well that the nation was bent in their soul toward evil... as our nation is also today.

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