Friday, February 2, 2018

Friday - Psalm 28 - Petition Granted

'm no prayer warrior.  There are many other spiritual disciplines that I find far less tedious.  Now, praying with others is no problem.  I treasure those times.  And, I believe accountability and companionship in prayer is an excellent strategy (Matthew 18:19-20).  [Although, there are unique temptations which accompany public or group prayers (Matthew 6:5-7).  Yet, God said for us to pray constantly and consistently (Ephesians 6:18); persistently even (Luke 18:1-8).  But do we?]  When will we ever learn to tap into the reservoir of God's willing power through this medium called prayer?

Sporadic, casual, half-hearted, doubtful prayers offered selfishly from backslidden saints who have worldly habits, bitter hearts, tainted lips and lustful eyes... these prayers will not suffice (Psalm 66:18 & James 4:3).  Sincerity, faith, holiness, fellowship, humility, compassion, sacrifice, contrition, righteousness... these really are prerequisite considerations as we bow before the Almighty.  Since the invitation to come into God's presence is open and real, but having a right spirit essential, II Chronicles 7:14 really should be coupled with Hebrews 4:16. It all boils down to being so close to God that we can sense His heart and pray in line with His purposes and priorities (I John 5:14-15). And yes, living such a life is costly (Romans 12:1-2).

In Psalm 28 David declared his intentions... to cry unto God (Psalm 28:1). He implored God for a merciful hearing (Psalm 28:2). He uttered words of confidence in this same prayer, because he was sure that God had heard his prayer and that divine help was on the way (James 1:6-7). And, before he said "Amen," he had already begun a new petition... not for himself, but for others.

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