Saturday, May 20, 2017

Saturday – 1st Chronicles 4 - Jabez

Obviously, there are many names here for us to reflect upon. Allow me to follow in the footsteps of others though. Let's focus only on one name: focus on this mysterious man, Jabez (I Chronicles 4:9-10).  Clearly the faith and the supplication of Jabez were unique and special enough for those around him to take notice of it. And, his spiritual attitude was important enough to God for Him to have it recorded for us to examine.

There are several questions to ask here. What made Jabez honorable? What is the significance of the call; that is, of the call from the heart and mouth of Jabez aimed toward God? Then, of course, we can move on to his 4 daring requests: bless me, enlarge my coast, keep thine hand with me and keep me from evil.

Jabez was honorable, which evidently means that he took his life, responsibilities and opportunities seriously… at the least, more seriously than had those around him. (I Peter 5:8 tells us that we MUST do that).  Jabez called on God. (We must call unto Him too - Jeremiah 33:3).  Enlarge my coasts!?  Give me more opportunities, more influence, more responsibilities, more possibilities.  Well said, Jabez! (We should be as noble - James 4:2 & 2nd Chronicles 16:9).  And, God's abiding presence and protection from temptations and trials is most certainly an advantage which we should all crave.

Jabez had his prayer life together. He had his priorities in order. He went to the right place, the right person, for the right reasons and with motives which were rewardable.   Oh, that we might all learn from this great example!

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