Thursday, August 4, 2016

Thursday - Numbers 24 - God Supersedes... Sometimes

Balaam wanted that money from Balak. He knew God wasn't going to give him a good word for Balak, so, on his third chance he didn't even consult with God. We might give Him the benefit of the doubt and say that he just wasn't going to waste God's time by asking for something that he knew he couldn't get, but that would not be consistent with either Balaam's record or the evaluations that God offers for us elsewhere in the Scripture concerning Balaam. He was going to try this without God to see if he could trick Balak with a powerless curse and get his paycheck. But, God interfered. God superseded.

Balaam turned his face away from God, but when he opened his mouth, God took over (Numbers 24:2, 4 & 16). So, his prophecies were both good and valid... good for Israel (bad for Moab) and valid particularly in their messianic perspective. He prophesied concerning the strength and power of Israel and specifically about the great transcendence of the King of Israel and of His kingdom (Numbers 24:7). At that point, Balak threatened Balaam, but Balaam looked in bewilderment at his evil patron saying, "I can't help it!" So, he continued... giving one of the most intriguing prophecies anywhere relating to the promise of the Messiah – Balaam foretold o the star of Bethlehem (Numbers 24:17 & Matthew 2:2). Truthfully, Balaam was able to see all the way to the gospel and to the damnation of those (perhaps like himself) who aren't found in faith (Numbers 24:19).

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