Deuteronomy 4:23-26 includes both an injunction to do right
and a threat of retribution for failure to do right. Such a warning of
impending negative reinforcement is always intended to stir fear in the heart
of the subject, thereby producing obedience.
Through Moses, God started His motivational speech with intimidation.
Comparatively, Deuteronomy 4:37-40 contains both an order to
obey and a promise of reward for said submission. Such a guarantee of eventual
positive reinforcement is always intended to stir up an emotional connection in
the heart of a subordinate... again, thereby producing obedience. Through
Moses, God concluded His coaching discourse with inspiration.
Now, here is the sad part. How successful was this approach
in the long run? Initially, the admixture of intimidation and inspiration
worked rather well. The Jews did fine during the duration of Joshua’s tenure...
but, within a generation they were guilty of wholesale defection from the
straight and narrow way. They forsook God, His love and His law. Not
surprisingly, God had anticipated that they would turn from Him, so He
instructed them to pass all of His words along to their posterity (Deuteronomy
4 :9-10) and to teach them, that, even in judgment, if they would repent, then
there would be mercy that could be obtained
(Deuteronomy 4:29-31).
repeatedly squeezed the people with both kindness and revenge (Deuteronomy
4:3-4). But in the end, the only sufficient cure for them... or for us... was
and is substitutional atonement by Immanuel. Of course, even in that, we find
potential positive and negative reinforcement motivations - namely, heaven and
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