Saturday, July 15, 2017

Saturday – 2nd Chronicles 6 - Solomon's Prayer

1st Kings 8:12 - 53 records much of the same information which we have here. I find the substance of Solomon's prayer to be very interesting indeed. In fact, the prayers of any of God's choice servants are worth a little dissection. Of course, prayer is an intriguing religious necessity. It is communication with God, yes. But, what exactly is appropriate material; what topics should be included in these pious monologues?

Well, with his hands uplifted and his knees bowed, Solomon spent some time admiring God. Also, he rehearsed some spiritual history... parts of history which were relevant to his situation. Then he laid out some petitions. He asked God to make good on His promises. He invited God to bless and accept the temple by continually dwelling there. And, he implored God to continually hear and answer the prayers of His people as they prayed in or toward His temple... and, also that the prayers of all men who would honor His house would be heard. Finally, Solomon requested that God bless His anointed one, remembering "the mercies of David..." (2nd Chron. 6:42, Isaiah 55:3 & Acts 13:34). Solomon was praying for himself... but prophetically & maybe unwittingly, he was referring to the coming Christ.

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