Thursday, May 28, 2020

Thursday - Acts 18 - Aquila, Priscilla, Apollos, Paul, etc.



HERE is a distinct change in the narrative when we get to Acts 18. City after city: Paul had entered them and commenced preaching (at least that's the way the story in Acts seems to go). But here in Corinth, he entered and started making tents.  We could guess that he needed the money, or perhaps he needed a break from ministry, or both. More than likely though, this is just the first time this part of the story has been included. You see, Paul had a habit of supporting himself, and not accepting the finances to which he was entitled as a spiritual minister (1st Corinthians 9:12 & 15). Besides, Acts 18:4 tells us that he was preaching in the synagogue every Saturday. So, he was working 6 days as a tentmaker & preaching on the Sabbath. The important thing here seems to be the married couple with which Paul was staying and working; Aquila and Priscilla.  This was a special couple.  Not only were they a significant blessing to Paul, they were also used by God to help the great teacher Apollos with his understanding of his own dispensational position (Acts 18:24-28). Apollos was looking forward for a Messiah who had (unbeknownst to him) already come and gone. Aquila and Priscilla knew the gospel well (having worked side by side with the most vocal gospel preacher of all time). They were perfectly equipped to give the great Apollos a nudge in the right direction. This they did when they met him in Ephesus.

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