Monday, March 2, 2020

Monday - Mark 16 - Believe, Believe, Believe

E usually think of the gospel of John as the "believe book” – and rightfully so. However, we might award the title of the "believe CHAPTER” to Mark 16. The fundamental message of Mark 16 is the resurrection of Christ. However, the invitation of the chapter is to believe this good news. And while we're at it, we might as well admit that the commission of the chapter is for all of us to be faithful evangelists. The angel announced Jesus' resurrection. The women who first saw the empty tomb also did a little sharing. And, Jesus Himself declared His conquest. But, the last piece of this puzzle portrays you and me going forth boldly with the gospel of Jesus Christ, inviting people to believe. The salvation or damnation of a soul hinges on belief or unbelief. And belief can't come if one hasn't ever even heard the good news about Christ. Don't be discouraged by people's initial unbelief. At first, the disciples doubted too. Then they became first class missionaries. Spend a few minutes today telling someone about the risen Christ. He is alive! Amen!

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