Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Wednesday - Malachi 3 - The Immutability of God

ALACHI 3:1 informs us that God intended to send John the Baptist ahead of Jesus in order to get everyone ready for His coming. Of course, God intended to send His Son as Savior and King too. But wait, these were not just God's intentions. These were promises from God. And, God doesn't lie (Hebrews 6:18 & Titus 1:2). But why doesn't God lie? In this chapter, we find the answer to that question. Malachi 3:6, "I am the LORD, I change not; therefore, you sons of Jacob are not consumed." God is immutable; unchanging. His character is always the same. His eternal purposes and the things that He does because of His nature, they are always the same. His infinity causes much diversity, yet even His infinite creativity is always consistent with His unchanging attributes. Yet, what does that mean for us?

Because God does not change, therefore His gracious promises to Jacob are still being kept to this very day. Here we are, many centuries beyond Jacob's life, yet God's promises are still in effect. Ten million centuries into eternity, God will still be keeping His promises to Israel. Despite the multitude of reasons that the Jews have given Him to turn His back on them, He hasn't forsaken them yet. And He won't ever. At His first coming, He made provision for the salvation of Israel. When He comes again, He will fully complete that which He started some 2000 years ago: the total redemption of Israel. In the meantime, they are adrift.

In the days of Malachi, Israel was away from God. They were disobedient to His commandments. God invited them to repent, but they didn't feel like they had anything for which to apologize (vs. 7). They stole from God by holding back that which belonged rightfully to Him (vs. 8).  But again, they were in denial. And, their lack of faith was detrimental to them.  Consider what they missed out on because of their unbelief and lack of devotion (vs. 10). God has the power to intervene and help those who are willing (vs. 11).

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