Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Tuesday - Micah 4 - A Different Contrast

N Micah 3 we read a clear & contrasting description of how differently Micah approached his God-given responsibilities, compared to how Israel's leaders in general approached theirs. Here in Micah 4 we find another juxtaposition, but this time we have a comparison between ancient Israel in trouble & future Israel being blessed.

Micah 4 begins with a fitting conjunction. While chapter 3 presented a very negative view of Israel, chapter 4 gives us the most positive outlook imaginable (concerning their future). "But in the last days..." Micah wrote (vs. 1). What will these "last days" look like in Israel? For one thing, Jews will be flowing into Israel, not out of it (vs. 1). Micah 3 speaks of the evacuation of Canaan (under the Assyrian and Babylonian invasions). Micah 4 speaks then of the coming reestablishment of the Jews in that land.

Of all of the wonderful and appealing descriptions of Israel's future (found here in Micah 4), none are as spectacular or intriguing as what we read in verse 2. The pronouns "he" and "his" refer to none other than God Himself. "He will teach us His ways!" Wow! It appears then that Jesus' teaching ministry is not yet complete. Micah 4 is definitely a Millennial Kingdom passage. If God will be teaching in that era, then surely, we must know that Jesus will be the member of the Godhead who will be doing it. He is the manifestation of God to us. He will be the ruler of this world; in person; in a body, and He will teach us. Hallelujah!

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