Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Tuesday - Proverbs 31 - Mama Said

EMUEL’S mother taught him the things that he wrote in here.  And, there were two kinds of girls that Lemuel's mom taught him about: the vicious woman (vs. 3) and the virtuous woman (vs. 10).  The former is to be avoided and the latter to be treasured.

What precisely does Lemuel state here about a worthy woman?  Let's enumerate. She is a priceless treasure (vs. 10).  She is sufficient (vs. 11).  She is faithful (vs. 12).  She is diligent (vs. 13 & 27).  She is a wise shopper (vs. 14).  She is reliable (vs. 15).  She is hardy (vs. 16).  She takes care of her body (vs. 17).  She is confident (vs. 18).  She can handle fashion (vs. 19, 21, 22 & 24).  She is generous (vs. 20).  Her husband's success is traceable back to her (vs. 23).  She is a good communicator (vs. 26).  She is appreciated by her husband and by her children (vs. 28).

Notice that this is not just any good and decent woman, this lady is far above average.  She fears God and is amazingly productive.

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