Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Tuesday - Numbers 28 - Moses BEGINS his "Final" Instructions

Actually, we will be reading the last words of Moses for quite a while now. Still, it's important to recognize that after Joshua had been ordained into his position, everything that Moses said was considered to be part of his final memoirs, counsel and instructions.

Moses' "last words" were certainly not bereft of either quantity or substance. Not only that, they were not just "Moses' last words" - they came from God (Numbers 28:1). In this chapter it is recorded that God told Moses to remind the people concerning the vital necessity of the ritualistic offerings and sacrifices (and the extra things that went with them). For one thing, the people had let a lot of things slip during the 40 years of wandering, so it was necessary to refresh the command for them. Secondly, by the repetition of the laws as a part of Moses' "last words" - it would have been obvious that Moses' law was not supposed to die with him.  The principles were to live on.

There were some new bits of instruction that came to Moses at that time.  The people were to double the morning and evening sacrifices every Sabbath. So, they had to offer 1 lamb on the weekdays and 2 lambs on Saturday. And, on the first day of every month (Numbers 28:11), they were to add 2 young bulls, 1 ram and 7 lambs.  Also God reminded them concerning His will regarding the Passover, the day of first-fruits and their weekly day of rest. (More similar rules will be given in Numbers 29 as it is a continuation of Numbers 28).

Regarding the Sabbath, God didn't want them to be working when they were supposed to be worshipping. And, resting one day a week in keeping with God's commandment is a way of admitting that we are actually dependent upon Him, not upon ourselves, for our sustenance.  

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